Logo: PowerON GmbH

PowerON GmbH

01187 Dresden
1-5 Automation Technology


Our Story

We are PowerON, a technology start-up developing smart soft sensor and actuator solutions for robotics and interfacing technologies. PowerON was founded in 2019 in Auckland, New Zealand, with a branch in Dresden, Germany. We have many years of scientific experience in the field of smart, soft materials, biomimetics and soft robotics. Our early days date back to 2015 when our now CEO, Markus Henke, our CTO, Katie Wilson, our COO, Ross Green, and our Chief Scientist, Iain Anderson, came together at the Biomimetics Lab at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute to develop soft electronics for soft robotics. In 2017, Markus joined the Institute for Semiconductors and Microsystems at the TU Dresden and started developing soft tactile arrays for robotic applications. In 2019, PowerON raised a pre-seed investment and an EXIST Business Start-Up Grant, and officially started operations in July. We extended our team in 2019, we will offer our first products and development kits in 2020, and we will continue to introduce multifunctional dielectric elastomer components for robotic applications. PowerON operates on the two opposite sides of the world, in New Zealand and Germany, combining the New Zealand creativity in innovatively solving problems and the sophisticated German efficiency in engineering and production. Our team works hard every day to revolutionize the view we have on robotics and to help to introduce robots as colleagues and friends in our everyday live.

Contact Me

Dr. Ernst-Friedrich Markus Henke
