
Re­spons­ible use of the nat­ural re­sources of air and wa­ter is the ma­jor global chal­lenge of our time. DAS En­vir­on­mental Ex­perts has de­voted its ef­forts to this chal­lenge, since 1991.
We are a fam­ily-owned com­pany headquartered in Dresden/​Ger­many and rep­res­en­ted world­wide with sub­si­di­ar­ies in Taiwan, China, Singa­pore, Ar­gen­tina, Peru and the USA.

Company culture

Togetherness, passion for environmental technologies and flat hierarchies characterize our family-run, international company. Together, we make a global contribution to environmentally friendly, safe and efficient industrial processes.

In addition to the balance of work and family, performance and joy, we therefore offer:
• Flex­ible Work-Time Mod­els (Flex­time, Part-time mod­els)
• Of­fers for Health Man­age­ment (Med­ical check-ups and screen­ings)
• Spe­cial Com­pens­a­tion and Ad­di­tional Be­ne­fits (Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the Dresden Transit Au­thor­ity work transit pass, Com­pany pen­sion )
• Pro­mot­ing Edu­ca­tion and Train­ing (Yearly em­ployee feed­back talks,
Pro­fes­sional and per­sonal de­vel­op­ment train­ing classes)
• Pleas­ant Work En­vir­on­ment (Com­pany-owned out­door area with seat­ing sec­tions and swim­ming pool)
• Spe­cial Team Events (Yearly cel­eb­ra­tion of the com­pany’s an­niversary)

Self assessment attractivity

Why should Internationals apply to your company?
•We are a medium-sized growing company with more than 20 different nationalities, the opportunity to experience the benefits of working in a multinational and multicultural environment is particularly of great extent
•We as­pire to be­come a plat­form for people who want to make a dif­fer­ence and develop themselves personally and professionally
•We offer meaningful work & challenging projects
•We are searching for authentic personalities who bring individual creativity and new insights, different ideas, and wider perspectives

What makes the company particularly interesting for internationals?
•International and friendly working environment
•The benefit of interacting every day with different cultures and nationalities
•Language courses (German as a foreign language, English, Chinese & Spanish)
•Nations Club and many other leisure activities & clubs to connect with colleagues
•Our swimming pool 😊

What measures are being taken to facilitate onboarding by Internationals?
•Language courses
•Cultural training
•English speaking colleagues
•International cooperation like Intap
•Product training in English

Contact Me

Nicole Putzger
